Impact Offers New Engineering Service

Stormwater Infiltration Testing:
Within recent years, stormwater infiltration testing of soils has become increasingly important for the design of stormwater management facilities. In today’s industry, new stormwater management facilities like rain gardens and infiltration beds are required as part of any construction of barns, buildings additions, parking lots, etc. To ensure a logical approach to stormwater design, it is our philosophy to perform the stormwater infiltration testing early in the design stages of a project. This allows the designer to know the soil characteristics prior to the design stage so that no assumptions are made and minimizes potential for re-work and revisions to the design later.
The Double-Ring Infiltrometer Test has become the industry standard test and is accepted as the most accurate test by DEP. Impact Engineering Group has recently fabricated custom testing rings to perform these required stormwater infiltration tests. They are fabricated as one piece instead of two and are made of heavy steel which removes potential for breakage and maximizes effectiveness of seating the rings in the soil. These rings maximize our efficiency in the field which in turn saves our clients’ money which they can then spend on more exciting things like skydiving, swimming with great white sharks, or dangerous game hunts!